squeegee pattern on window

4 Signs Your Windows Need Cleaning

June 13, 2022

Here at Total Window Service, we’re proud to be New York City’s go-to window cleaning company! We do everything from professional window washing, high-rise window cleaning, window scratch removal, and more. We’ve seen it all, and over the years, one of the top issues our window cleaning NYC professionals encounter is clients simply waiting too long to get their windows cleaned. Keep an eye out for these four signs that your windows need to be cleaned, and contact us to get the job done right

close up of streaked window

Window Streaks

If you’ve ever looked at a window and seen streaks, and no matter how much you clean them, they just won’t go away — it’s probably time to call in a professional. Streaks on windows are usually caused by hard water deposits, soap residue, or even minerals in the glass itself. These streaks can be difficult to remove without the right tools and cleaning agents, so it’s best to leave it to the pros.

spotted window

Water Spots or Mineral Deposits

Have you ever looked at your windows and noticed what looks like water spots or mineral deposits? If so, then it’s time for a window cleaning. These spots are usually caused by hard water, and while they may not seem like a big deal, they can actually lead to bigger problems down the road. If left untreated, these spots can cause your windows to become etched or even cracked.

skyscraper windows

Window Frames are Dirty

The window frames are one of the most important parts of the window, and yet they’re often one of the most neglected. If your window frames are dirty, it can make your entire window look dirty. Our window cleaning company will clean not only the glass, but also the window frames, leaving your windows looking like new.

man looking out skyscraper window

Your Home or Business is Looking a Little Worse for Wear

Let’s face it — no one wants their home or business to look dirty. If your windows are making your home or business look run-down, it’s time for a window cleaning. Our professional window cleaning can brighten up any space, and it may even help you attract new customers or clients.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, don’t wait to get your windows cleaned — contact Total Window Service today for window cleaning NYC! We’ll be happy to come out and take a look at your windows, and we’ll give you a free estimate on window cleaning services, including high-rise window cleaning.


Request a free online or on-site estimate today.


If you are looking to get an accurate and fast estimate online, please send us pictures of your windows at our email info@totalserviceny.com and include your building’s exact address, so we can Google it to see what type of windows you have in order to provide you with a more accurate quote.

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